Images of Africa's stunning wildlife taken during our travels around Southern Africa.

as a photographer I came to wildlife photography late in life but count myself fortunate that I did and discovered some amazing locations particularly Mashatu "The Land of Giants" in Southern Botswana

Bull Elephant in Kruger national park, South Africa
Blocking The Way, on the  Zambezi Park Game Drive, Zimbabwe
At the waterhole, Mashatu in Botswana
Crossing The Luvuvhu River near Pafuri in the north of The Kruger National park, South Africa
Elephants play Fighting, Botswana
Cheetah yawning, Mashatu, Botswana
Hyena Cub
Impala Selous National Park Tanzania
African Sacred Ibis, Benguerra Island, Mozambique
Hermit Crag on Quilalea Island Mozambique

This Beautiful Land

Let your mind from world depart

To follow the beat of Africa's heart

Allow ancient lands beneath your feet

Rise through soul to feel replete

By Karen du Plessis